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Adirondack STEAM Showcase: Celebrating Innovation and Collaboration

Adirondack STEAM Showcase: Celebrating Innovation and Collaboration

Adirondack STEAM Showcase: Celebrating Innovation and Collaboration

A large gathering of over 200 students, parents, and community members attended the first ever Adirondack STEAM Showcase lat week.  This event was a vibrant celebration of student ingenuity and collaboration, highlighting projects developed over the past year using tools such as Sphero BOLT, Sphero RVR, Makey Makey, and many others. The event was a testament to the students' dedication to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) education.

One of the evening's highlights was a thrilling demonstration by the Drone Soccer team, captivating the audience with their skills and teamwork. Additionally, the high school First Tech Challenge team hosted an exciting exhibition event, which brought in teams from Lowville and South Lewis, showcasing the competitive spirit and camaraderie of the participants.

Throughout the night, students exemplified the core tenets of STEAM education—collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Their projects demonstrated not only technical proficiency but also creativity and innovation, emphasizing the holistic nature of STEAM learning.

The event also featured an awards ceremony, where individual students were recognized for their outstanding contributions. Special recognition was given to the Sphero World Championship first and fourth place teams, celebrating their remarkable achievements on a global stage.

The Adirondack Central School (ACS) community proudly continues its commitment to STEAM education, fostering an environment where students are encouraged to explore, create, and excel. The Adirondack STEAM Showcase was a vivid reminder that ACS is indeed FULL STEAM AHEAD!